It is an inflammatory disease of the joints, which has been attributed by Avicenna to the disturbance in the body humours.

Although found equally among both the sexes, the incidence is higher among the non-vegetarians and people staying in colder alimes. People who exert too much and those who have a high percentage of milk in their diet are also at risk.

Unani medicine has divided rheumatic arthritis into two kinds: "Had" (acute) and "Muzmin" (chronic). In "Had" the onset of the disease is associated with chills and rigor which develops into pain and stiffness in the joints of the upper and lower, limbs. The stiffness is more pronounced during the early hours of the day and gradually becomes less severe towards the end of the day.

The disease, at a later stage, spreads to the other joints of the body. Associated symptoms are loss of appetite, lethargy, thirst and constipation. Rheumatoid arthritis in an advanced stage, may also affect pericardium (the membrane covering the heart), lungs and sometimes even the brain.

"Muzmin" affects the larger joints first and is usually found among the age group of 65 to 75. The onset of pain is slow and the intensity of the pain is, also less in comparison to had. At a later stage it may spread to the ligaments and the cartilege. There may even be effusion in the affected joints. Movement becomes difficult and deformity may occur.


Asgand (Withania somnifera,Dunal) 1 gm.
Suranjan shireen(Colchicum luteum,Baker) 1 gm.
Khulanjan (Alpinia galanga,Linn) 1 gm.

All the above ingredients are to be taken daily in a powdered form for about two months.

Bazr-ul-Banj (khorasani-Ajwayin)(Hyoscyamus niger,Linn) 5 gm, Zanjabeel (Zingiber officinale,Rose) 5 gm. They have to be finely powdered and taken orally twice daily after breakfast and dinner, for about 45 days to 90 days.