
Hakim Syed Niamathullah

Hakim Ghulam
Mohamed Muqeem alias Miyejen

Hakim Syed
Niamath Organisations are named after Dr. Hakim Syed Niamathullah
(1900-1961)., An eminent Hakim and a reputed social worker, he
championed the cause of Unani Medicine in Southern India. He devoted his
life to the development and promotion of Unani Medicine. He was
associated with many professional orgainsations, has published many
articles on Unani Tib and participated innumerous academic conference
and symposia. The Niamath Science Academy and the Niamath Research
Foundation are named after him. He got the inspiration form his uncle
Hakim Ghulam Mohamed Mugeem alias Miyejen (1838-1915) and his elder
brother Hakim Syed Magdoom Ashraf (1883-1956).
Hakim Syed Khaleefathullah has earned tremendous fame and
excellence as an eminent Unani Medical Consultant.
With passage of time he has immensely enriched the field
of Unani Medicine by virtue of his Professional brilliance and
dedicated efforts in research activities.
Hakim Syed Khaleefathuallah born 1938 in Chennai, was
President, Central Council of Indian Medicine (1984-1995),
Member, Governing Body, National Institute of Unani Medicine,
Bangalore (1986-1997), Honorary Physician to President of India
(1987-1991) and Chairman, Executive Board, Central Council for
Research in Unani Medicine (1996-1999).
He was a Member of the Central Council for Health &
Family Welfare (1999-2001), Chairman, Unani Pharmacopoeia
Committee, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of
India (1998-2002) and is currently Member, Governing Body and
Chairman, Clinical Research subcommittee, Central Council for
Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi and Member Ayurvedic,
Siddha & Unani Drugs Technical Advisory Board, Government of

authored numerous publications, attended National and International
Conferences such as the International Conference on Eastern and Western
Approaches to Healling, San Francisco, U.S.A.(1985), 2nd
International Conference on Elements in Health & Diseases, Karachi,
Pakistan (1987), International Workshop on Health and illness – a
comparison of the concept in India & Europe, Venice, Italy (1988)
and Parliament of World Religious, Chicago, U.S.A.(1993).
recognition of his contribution to the development and propagation of
Unani Medicine, the Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University awarded the
Degree of Doctor of Sciences (Honoris Causa) in 1998.
He has been honoured as ‘Baba-e-Tibb’ (1989),
Hakim-e-Millath (1990) and was awarded the Physician of the year Gold
Medal and Citation (1990), Bharat Bishaq Ratna (1995) and several other
such awards and honours. He
is President, Niamath Science Academy, Fellow of the National Academy of
Indian Medicines and Fellow of the Foundation of Integrated Medicine.
There are many achievements to his credit that can neither be
enumerated nor be praised aptly in this short introduction.
Graduate of Unani system of Medicine from Osmania University
Hyderabad, hails from a renowned family of Unani Physicians. His
great grand father Hakim Gulam Mohammed Muqeem Sahib alias Miajan
Sahib (1838-1915), finds a mention in the book Tareek-e-Tibb
(History of Medicine). His maternal grand father Shifa-ul-Mulk
Alhaj Hakim Syed Maqdoom Ashraf Sahib (1883-1943) and his father
Prof. Hakim Syed Khaleefathullah former Hony. Physician to
President of India and President, Central Council of Indian
Medicine, New Delhi are recognised and honored for their
contribution to the propogation and development of Unani System of
Medicine in the country in General and South India in Particular. |
his stay at Hyderabad, he had the good fortune of meeting Internationally
acclaimed physiotherapist Mr. Syed Ghousuddin Sahib, under whose
supervision had training in accupressure treatment and its application in
sports Medicine. After his studies he took additional training in Unani
system of Medicine with special reference to regimental therapy with his
Along with his father he established NIAMATH RESEARCH FOUNDATION a public
trust, NIAMATH SCIENCE ACADEMY Institutes for the propogation and
development of Unani system of Medicine in particular and Indian systems
of Medicine in general in 1985, NIAMATH LABORATORIES, a Modern Indegenous
Drug House for the manufacture of genuine Unani Drugs in 1989 and S.K.'s
HERBAL MEDICAL FITNESS CENTRE, a centre for herbal application in the
maintenance of physical health in 1993.
He has presented many scientific papers, delivered guest lectures and
given interviews regarding the application of herbal medicine and
maintenance of health by natural way in different National seminars,
Social organisation meet, Press and T.V. He is also involved in many
social and religious organisations in the city of Chennai.